Through Spiritual and Physical Integration, our Life’s Vision and Purpose are Clearer

Many times, as we experience the struggles of everyday life on this plane, we wonder what life’s lesson is for us within this specific framework or pattern of our existence. Is there a lesson in my struggles, or are my circumstances some cruel or unrelenting act? The sadness that we often feel as a result of this quandary can certainly force us to come to terms with the significance these experiences have in our lives. I believe that when we confront our darkness and demons, we come to terms with the perceptions, experiences, and mental constructs which may block our sense of self-realization. As we seek to reemerge from the abyss of confusion to the oasis of soul-purpose actualization, our journey and place within the world become clearer and the path towards self and planetary transformation are much more tangible. The Spiritual realm seems to put these obstacles in our path to help us grow and learn, painful as these experiences may seem at the time.

It is when we realize that we do not have to live our lives in struggle and pain that we can become free of our self-imposed mental or emotional constraints.  When we develop ourselves towards a life-affirming awakening by integrating the spiritual and physical aspects of existence, we experience profound clarity on how to resolve the issues that consistently prevent us from achieving happiness and a sense of oneness. If we solely focus on the physical and material world then we will experience emptiness and unhappiness. If we attune only to the spiritual, then we will neglect our physical selves and this will also create unnecessary imbalance.  By integrating the physical and spiritual, we pave the path for true enlightenment and transformation and can heal the disenfranchised aspects of our psyche that have prevented us from achieving a sense of balance and happiness.

We undertake enormous challenges as we live within the physical realm with an openness to our Spiritual divinity – fully aware that as we grasp and understand our soul’s unlimited potential, we can shed old ideas that were far too limiting and self-constraining. When we are in alignment with our soul-purpose, life flows amazingly without struggle or limitation. We bring our unique gifts and contribute to the world, just as God has always intended once we have awakened to our calling and path.

So, when we are “stuck”, or we do not seem to manifest what we longingly wish to see in our lives, we must view our dreams and goals within an entirely different perspective. If we grasp the idea that we are spiritual beings living in the physical world – then we are much better able to comprehend the vastness of our potential. Yet, if we focus on limitation, it will return to us in the form of scarcity, struggle, hatred, deception, sadness and a sense of not fulfilling our destiny. If, however, we focus on the enormous potential we have within us through an alignment with Spirit, then it is possible to co-create the life we so ardently desire. As we awaken to our spiritual side, our purpose becomes much clearer, and we can shape our value system, beliefs and actions to bring our unique vision to actualization.

Healing from the Past

To heal from the past, we must correct the errors in perception that prevent us from forgiving those who have harmed us. In relinquishing anger, fear, and hatred and completely forgiving past errors, we free our lives and hearts from experiencing emotional devastation and we can live fully in the present open to unlimited love. This is a path towards a renewed and transformed sense of Self that takes us closer to God and our true, Higher Self. Correcting errors of perception such as anger, fear, jealousy, and the need for retribution heals the disenfranchised aspects of ourselves that have long searched and yearned for clarity and atonement. The mental process of dissociation slips us further away from the all encompassing nature of God’s love and we develop a false sense of security – further emboldening the nightmarish dream rather than awakening from its terror and stronghold on our emotional and mental well being. In the process of trying to escape or avoid emotional danger, we actually create more negative disowned energy by psychically dividing aspects of ourselves and furthering the split between our personality and Spirit.  We should, instead, pray for healing and integration and infuse our shadow selves with rehabilitative energy and careful, spiritual nourishment. This consistent and repetitive nature of denying the present by emboldening egoistic divisions within our psyche takes us further away rather than closer to the spiritual realm. Our task is to remember Spirit’s unlimited ability to heal all atrocities rather than creating more perceptual errors which obscure our spiritual sight. Any act that is not of love is counter to the world of Spirit and is an illusion, further reminding us that our task on earth is to heal and awaken from this dimension’s obsessive identification with the physical and its associated anguish.

Infinite Potential, Attracting Abundance, and Manifestation

Today, I am writing about one of the most central themes in my life as well as in the lives of many other soul-searchers seeking fulfillment and self-actualization. How do I attract abundance in a world that seems to indicate scarcity and competition rather than infinite potential and abundance?  We learn and  experience at a very early age that resources are scarce; we must fight for every single morsel available to us.  We learn that life is a struggle. Many times individuals work diligently, yet they find it difficult to get ahead and to achieve their dreams. It is very frustrating that this cycle of attracting abundance but then returning to a state of scarcity occurs repeatedly.  I truly believe that when there are recurring patterns in our lives, within the fabric of these interwoven tapestries exists many pertinent clues to the work we are meant to undertake in order to self-actualize. In this process, we come to terms with the most pressing concerns leading to our soul’s development. After all, we are here to consciously co-create; in fact, every minute, every breath, we are becoming more and more conscious of the divinity and unlimited potential within us.

The Fear of Not Attracting Money in Our Lives

For many of us, our fears come into play when we think about attaining money, attracting abundance, and achieving a sense of fulfillment.  After all, everyone wants to have the admiration and respect of their families, friends, peers and colleagues.  Yet, many times, a recurring pattern of scarcity consciousness gets in the way. We cannot seem to earn exactly the amount of money we want, buy that perfect house, have enough money in the bank, have the “right” friends, experiences and so on. All of this is based on a mindset of fear and scarcity rather than on prosperity.  So, it is entirely uplifting and somewhat of a revelation when we actually reverse thought patterns of insufficiency and attune our core beliefs into a pattern of plenitude. If we think and operate not from fear but from a positive mindset, we realize  that there is actually enough for everyone if we co-create with one another harmoniously.  Now, in everyday life, it is very easy for our ego to get in the way. Our society thrives on competition, and there is certainly nothing wrong with healthy, vibrant competition to drive us to succeed and to help us visualize our goals.  The problem occurs when, in acting out of balance, we disregard basic values in the quest to out-perform others in order to achieve recognition.  Now, there’s nothing wrong with recognition and achievement, but if we get to a place of achievement at the expense of others, then we are not acting in alignment with a soul-based awareness.  Instead, we are acting out of our own selfish, ego-based desires.  When we place too much importance on attaining monetary gain by acting recklessly towards others, we actually create scarcity within our souls and lives rather than abundance. In the process, sooner or later, we will reach a crucial moment in our evolutionary state of being where we look in the mirror to ask “What have I become? Who am I? Where am I headed?  Am I on the right path?  Have I acted with the most compassion, love, selflessness and forgiveness?  And do I truly believe that I can attract what I want in my life?”

The Many Forms of Abundance and Prosperity

The truth of the matter is that there are many forms of abundance:  abundance of the spirit, health, mind and in sharing our unique gifts to the world.  If we consistently focus on monetary wealth at the expense of our physical and mental health, then we are acting out of balance and will return to a state of scarcity consciousness without even being aware of the process.   We have the infinite power to create the lives that we want by consistently honoring the infinite potential within each and every one of us.  Prosperity appears in our lives in so many different ways – many times, it is not exactly apparent, or perhaps we do not value the form in which it appears.  For example, can I take the time to truly see what is happening around me?  How do I react?  Am I so consumed by the idea of “getting ahead” that I trample upon the lives and hearts of others? If I react with bitterness, hatred, a lack of compassion, then certainly the same negativity will be reflected back to me since we are all mirrors to one another,  and I will feel and experience the same amount of hatred that I have sent out to my immediate environment and the universe.  If, instead, I choose to act with compassion, love, forgiveness and understanding, then all of these attributes will reflect back to me.  Herein lies the power of the Law of Attraction.

The Visionary Perspective of Abundance vs. Soul-Impoverished Imbalance

So, one might ask – how do I continually attract abundance in my life?  After all, there’s only so much that can go around, right?  And since there are scarce resources, shouldn’t I keep my knowledge of resources to myself, and align with only the few people I trust, and then to heck with the rest?  And, in fact, the person right next to me, who I really don’t care for anyway, why don’t I just do whatever I can to make that person’s life miserable so that they give up, and then I can receive what could have been theirs.  I will tell you, with many years of experience that I have had in the corporate arena, this is the most typical mindset.  And it is a dangerous one.  It does not promote cooperation or collaboration.  It promotes unhealthy competition.  And it produces fear and mistrust instead of harmony.  It is toxic.  Individuals do not trust one another so they seek to out-perform each other in order to earn recognition and respect. When individuals act out of balance in a corporation by thwarting the lives of others in order to achieve their own personal gain, they may achieve monetary wealth but their souls are impoverished.  This kind of behavior creates an atmosphere of scarcity, mistrust and deception.  It does not further anyone’s soul-based development nor does it help the overall organization to become visionary.  When a business has employees that are healthy, well-balanced in all areas of their lives, then they produce much more efficiently.  The business thrives and grows because their employees are able to utilize their soul-based gifts to their ultimate potential.  When leaders develop their employees, then the entire organization benefits from increased productivity, since their employees can concentrate on creating the very best products and services, gaining new clients, increasing customer satisfaction, and realizing improved profits.  A visionary business develops employees by allowing them to utilize their unique gifts in order to advance the company’s goals.  In every move that we make within our work and personal environments we should ask ourselves the question,  what is best for the good of all concerned?  When we operate from this perspective, we no longer operate from the field of scarcity but from the visionary perspective of abundance.

An Unwavering Belief System in Authentic Power Provides the Ability to Persevere During the Harshest of Circumstances

I have noticed that when I meditate and focus on sincere gratitude, notwithstanding my own personal financial situation, then I feel a sense of abundance that is incredibly empowering.  My task is to continually believe in the authentic power of abundance consciousness, not to be afraid of success, not to be afraid of attracting the very things that I want so deeply. For when we accept that we are authentically powerful spiritual beings experiencing this life of seemingly persistent limitations, then we can truly understand and grasp the lessons that we are meant to learn in attempting to overcome these obstacles. I might ask myself, why do I continually return to that scarcity thought process when I know that the universe is plentiful?  I don’t have the firm answers yet.  I am still seeking and searching, very much hopeful that I will find the answers.  The answers are in my heart. I know, with the deepest of assurance, that I have the infinite ability to arrive at them as long as I act with soul-based awareness and harmony.  I must listen to my intuition in order to come to terms with why that perception of scarcity is there.  What lessons do I learn about myself when I experience that gut-wrenching feeling of emptiness?  How do I respond to that deepest, darkest experience of  spiritual hunger and thirst?  It is during this painful experience that I must realize that scarcity is an illusion, even when the physical world of experience seems to undoubtedly mirror that same scarcity. During these moments of self-reflection, I become aware of who I am, where my life leads next on this vast journey, and I am once again aware of the circumstances from which I will undoubtedly persevere and conquer in order to reach self-fulfillment, actualization, and soul-purpose. I must consistently listen to my higher guidance and inner voice to fully understand that any currently perceived setbacks are only temporary, and I, indeed, will persevere even under the harshest of circumstances.  I must realize that these hindrances are being manifested from an unconscious/subconscious state of being, and that becoming more aware of these emotional blocks are the key to overcoming the continual manifestation of events or circumstances that are not in alignment with my soul-purpose.

Healing our Mind, Body and Spirit from Self-Imposed Constraints 

Obstacles are only temporary manifestations of blocks that can be removed by carefully tuning in to the infinite power within us that is our birthright – but only if we claim this boundless energy and utilize it for our higher good and the good of those concerned.  When we realize that we possess this infinite potential, then we are free from self-imposed mental constraints and our desires seem to be fulfilled in a spontaneous manner.  When our dreams begin to manifest, it is an enlightening, inspiring and wondrous experience. We all have the ability to lead inspiring lives that send out our innermost light which is actually the energy of the universe pouring through our physical selves and into our immediate environment and then throughout the world. It is so very apparent when we are in the presence of someone with authenticity. Perhaps it is a trusted spiritual adviser or a visionary business leader. We are inspired by their actions and words and we feel the power of their authentic energy. Their energy actually increases the positive mindset of individuals within their immediate environment because their inner authenticity is so powerful. We become inspired by their lessons, wisdom and the outpouring of positive energy they possess and it inspires us to mirror that same positive mindset.  Therefore, by elevating the energetic field of pure potentiality within our immediate environment, we actually raise the vibrational frequency within our own lives, friendships, relationships and communities and this positive energy has the effect of permeating through the rest of the world to like-minded individuals.  We change the world by changing ourselves.

Reclaiming our Faith Helps us to Reach our Fullest Potential

In order to effect change within our daily lives, we must begin with ourselves. Transitioning from a state of scarcity to prosperity begins with the empowerment of our own lives by integrating the disowned aspects of our selves and emerging from this integration as a complete human being, more fully enlightened and in touch with our Higher Selves, unwavering in our belief that we will overcome even the most daunting of circumstances.  When we have integrated the disowned selves, healing all the negative energy that has caused blocks within our lives, then we heal the disenfranchised aspects of ourselves that we have buried within our subconscious in order to dissociate from the pain of traumatic experiences.  Healing these disowned aspects of ourselves is the most difficult work to undertake, but it is an extremely enlightening process since we are able to come to terms with the core issues in our lives that are preventing us from a sense of completeness and peacefulness. Forgiveness is a major component of healing the energy blocks within our subconscious belief system. When we are no longer bogged down emotionally from fragments of the past, then we can achieve a current state of peacefulness and enlightenment. Then we are finally willing and able to accept the gifts of the universe because we become fully aware of the plenitude that exists within our lives.  We are no longer soul-impoverished but filled with Light and positive energy because we have healed from the issues, circumstances and hindrances that have kept us from achieving our Higher Selves. In the process of striving to reach our fullest potential, we reclaim our faith in the Universe – firmly believing that with love, patience, compassion and understanding we are in alignment with our soul-based purpose in this lifetime. When we act in accordance with these universal principles, we become fully aware of the infinite joy and inspiration that are completely within reach during our life’s journey, where we not only strive to integrate aspects of our inner divisions but also our physical-spiritual selves. Our journey on this plane is to remember who we once were at the very beginning of our existence, before we were physical beings in this world of limitation. We were joyful, abundant, spiritual creations who were fully in touch with our unlimited potential. Our soul-based path leads us to remember who we once were so we can return to that divine place once again when we awaken from this illusory world. That dynamic shift in awareness, when it occurs, will transform our thinking so that we  will remember light instead of darkness, love instead of fear, and joyful abundance instead of illusive limitation.

We are a Mirror to Each Other

I wholeheartedly believe that consistently practicing meditation on attracting  and maintaining abundance as our natural state will help us manifest the life of our dreams. If you wish to experience something wonderful in your life, put the patterns and resources in place to allow others to receive that very same thing.  You will find that it reflects back to you, and you will experience that same wealth consciousness and abundance many times over.

Everyone can Achieve their Innermost Desires and Dreams

May everyone achieve their dreams through consciously attuning to a natural state of wealth-consciousness and abundance!